Know When to Pivot

From my Instagram Caption here:

She's feeling the need to share again!! ✨💖

I've always been a VERY online person. I've had a blog, and a YouTube channel, and then another blog. I love to make my little DIY and Activist-How-To videos on IG, and sometimes I even type into the void that is Twitter.

I've always enjoyed giving my content creation some structure, but my last few attempts haven't really worked. Online activism is weird. It can have a huge impact, but it can also fall flat sometimes.

I recently tried to start a monthly round-up of actions you can take to support progressive movements (I shared one just a few days ago in fact). And I still think it is a great idea in theory, but in practice, this format creates no urgency. Without urgency, it doesn't really have the ability to move many people into action.

And because I can't seem to do anything unless I make an ✨ internet announcement ✨about it (a goal setting -or breaking- technique from the lovely @elisejoy) I’m here to say, that I am bailing on the round-up idea!!

I am finally feeling like I’m having a real impact with my work (shout out @TheDivaCup) and I'm happy focusing my impact energy there for this season.

You KNOW I will still make activism and education content here when I’m feeling motivated and inspired, but I’m going to drop the self-imposed pressure and take as many breaks as I need when I need them.

I kept thinking, wow, this past year+ has been a lot, but it looks like we might be getting to the other side of it. But then the ocean catches on fire, and I have a little spiral from the weight of the world! So instead of trying to solve everything all at once, I’m going to try and remember that activism is a relay race and you don’t always have to be the one holding the baton.

Who knows, maybe I’ll become one of those people who uses their IG captions as their blog!? 👀

Okay. Thanks for reading. Love ya, mean it!

Carly Friesen