Significant Life Moments


There are so many moments in life that deserve to be celebrated, honoured and acknowledged. Below are some of the milestone ceremonies that I offer. Custom ceremonies are also available! Please reach out to me if there is something you are interested in creating that you don’t see listed here.


Transgender Renaming ceremony

A transgender renaming ceremony is a celebration of someone’s transition into a truer version of themselves. This ceremony acknowledges someone’s new name, their true gender and their full identity. This can be done with friends, family, chosen family, or anyone you would like!

Booking info here.

Maiden, Mother and Crone Ceremonies

These 3 ceremonies aim to mark important moments for people who menstruate. The Maiden Ceremony welcomes a child’s first period. The Mother Ceremony welcomes a new mom into the role of mother. The Crone Ceremony acknowledges the end of menstruation and the transition of menopause. Much of western culture tells us that these changes should be kept quiet, but I believe that celebrating these changes with ceremony can be a meaningful way to process these transitions.

Booking info here.

Renunciation or De-Conversion Ceremony

This ceremony is for people who have previously committed themselves to a faith and want to formally undo that commitment. This is also known as an “un-baptism” or “de-baptism”.

Booking info here.

Retirement Ceremony

The transition away from paid work is life altering and deserves to be celebrated fully. A retirement ceremony can help to mark this transition and allow you to process this change.

Booking info here.

Elder Ceremony

The transition to an older age is one to be celebrated! This ceremony can be performed as part of a milestone birthday event, or it can stand alone as its own celebration. It is up to you when you feel ready to take on the role of an elder in your community. I generally recommend this ceremony for people turning 70 or older.

Booking info here.

Custom Ceremony Creation

Have an idea that isn’t listed here? Please reach out! I’d love to discuss creating a custom ceremony for you.

Booking info here.