How to Call Your Elected Officials

Are you looking to get involved and make change in a deeper way? One of the best things you can do is to email and call your elected officials. Like many of you, I naturally feel more comfortable on email, but I also know that phone calls do a lot more to get the attention of elected officials.

In the video below I walk you through what you need to call your elected officials and I show you three different calls I made (one to my City Councillor in Toronto, one to my MPP in Ontario, and one to my MP in Canada). Not sure who your elected officials are or what their phone numbers are? Click here to find all three:

I hope this helps people feel more comfortable calling their elected officials! It is so important to call and let them know what issues are important to you.

You don’t need to be the most informed to call, you just need to care about the issue!

Quick note: I originally made this video for Instagram (viewable on IG TV here), but I uploaded it to YouTube to make it a bit easier to watch on desktop. The quality of the video is a bit lower on YouTube, but still very much watchable!